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bamboo fence

My backyard is fenced in with chainlink fence. On one hand this is great for when I have a puppy. On the other... it is U-G-L-Y. I wanted to do someting differend but yikes... is wood fencing expensive.

I thought I had a good picture of the one side of my backyard, but I can't find it. As you can see here in the background behind Ernie, not only is there chain link fence but the neighbors had an old car pulled into their backyard. Nice. They didn't take the best care of their backyard. I really wanted to block off that view and also get a little privacy.

After a lot of internet browsing, I found a great solution. There were a lot of people that hid unsightly chain link with rolled bamboo fence. The fence, made of split canes of bamboo held together with wire woven between each slat would last up to 20 years if you kept it off the ground. I looked at site after site of online stores that sold rolls of bamboo fence. Finally I ordered it from Gardeners Supply. They had the best price for the height I had in mind... and the shipping wasn't bad.

Chuck came over to help Aaron put up the fence. I had also ordered the binding twine to tie the fence to the chain link, but they found the bamboo sometimes cut through it and used plastic zip ties instead which were stronger and made the job go faster too.

The bamboo fence made a huge difference. The backyard feels much more private now and my flowers look great with the bamboo behind them. I was very happy with the results.

My dad thinks I should get a panda for the backyard now.