every idea is a good idea (aka.. a long Ikea story)
Tina saw on the Burlington Ikea website that they were having a midnight madness sale. We thought... cut out of work early, get to Ikea at 7-ish, shop, drive home and be in bed in time to watch Letterman.
Hah! We got there at 8... lollygagged and dillydallied around until we found ourself in a line that stretched through the warehouse at... 11:15! Mind you we had a 2 hour drive home. It took 45 min. to get through the line, 30 min. to pick up their new wardrobe system (VERY cool Pax system by the way) and then... drum roll please... an HOUR to pack up the car. Chuck was determined to not have to strap anything to the roof of the Blazer. It came down to us and a poor VW Golf in an empty parking lot. They were struggling to get shelves in their car. We did not want to be the last ones there. We were about to pull out of the lot honking and waving at the Golf when the "gate ajar" light came on. As Chuck pushed stuff in tighter (Tina and I were squished into the back seat with one half folded down and shelves sticking over the front passenger seat) the Golf started to back out. He slammed the door down, jumped in the truck and we peeled out. We were not the last ones!
It was crazy, but I did have a good time and I got a Sten shelf for $9.50!
I also got Aaron a big concrete letter A candle holder (imagine the X in the
picture above is an A) We were cracking up that as we crossed the border the
Canadian border patrol would ask "Whatch doin with that, aye eh?" and
we would say "What are we doing with what?" Get it? Well, maybe you
had to be there. Or be up at three in the morning!
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