Thursday, August 25, 2005

I remember long hot summer afternoons as a kid, when my mom stood over the stove canning tomatoes. Since I work til 5:30 and then go to the gym... run errands, you will find me in the garden with a flashlight searching for recently ripened tomatoes and canning them at 11:30 at night.

But I got it done... the influx of tomatoes has been reduced somewhat by canning seven pints of them. Check out the project page here.

Am looking forward to some tasty spaghetti sauce this winter.


  1. Just wanted to leave a OT post that I hope you and everyone you work with is OK in all the layoffs.

  2. With that crazy schedule, where do you find the time to post everyday, let alone add all the great project pages and picture galleries? I'm exhausted just thinking about it! However, you do it, I'm just glad you do :)

  3. There is no surer proof of A Divine than ripe, juicy tomatoes. Bless you.

  4. oh my gosh - i was just talking about this with a client the other day - she brought me home canned pickles, and when I was a kid, we used to can every summer! i actually miss cool to see.
