Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Aaron found this cat tie at Target for 75¢. I think it is hilarious. I can't even look at Stewie when he has it on. He doesn't mind it at all and I swear he struts around when he has it on. (for the commenter who wondered how Oscar is doing, note he is there in the background staring at his empty supper dish)


"Helloooo? Helloooo? Anyone out there? Could you come in and take this silly thing off me?"


  1. I was just wondering where you found your recipes for the chocolates that you made?
    The cinnamon chile and cranberry sea salt...

  2. OMG I wish we had Target in New Zealand! I am sure our cats would LOVE wearing those! Well ok but I would love to see them wearing them! So cute!!

  3. Stewie looks quite dashing in his new tie.

  4. That is just asking to be made into a lolcat.

  5. I didn't think I could love Stewie more, but now he's gone dapper! So corporate.

  6. i just need some one to brag to, and no one at work know what Lush products are. my hubby felt bad about something and wanted to know what he could bring from Merz, a store that sells soaps and potions from all around the world, inside Macy's store in Chicago. Well, i told him something cucumber, or one Lush product--since they can be pricey, and i never seen them before--just on-line. well, hubby, did get me one item from lush--one gift set!!!! i get try a jelly, lotions , soaps, and godiva bar that is shampoo--it smells so yummy-i want to snack on it! thanks for letting come here to share with someone who appreciates and understands what neato goodies i just got! :)

  7. So cute! Looks like he should be strolling the floor of the NYSE.

  8. Ack! If I could only get the strength to pull myself away from the awesome $1 bins in the front of the Toby needs one!! *heads to the car to speed straight to Target*

  9. Target is such a happy place!
    The tie is hysterical. And kudos to Stewie for enjoying his dapperocity!

  10. anonymous - we didn't use a recipe! We totally made it up as we went along.

    noran - lucky you!!!

  11. How cute!!! Stewie just needs a little top hat. :o)

  12. Which department did he find the kitty ties in? Pet department, or?

    Pretty pleeeese?? hehe. I don't have a car, so will be depending on someone else. Would love to race right to them in the store, and not leave my ride to wait.

  13. anonymous - they are in the kitty section of the pet area

  14. Thank you so much, LJC! I just remembered I asked, and came back to check today.

  15. Hey my cat has the same name looks the same and has that tie
