Monday, January 22, 2001

Diet Concepts: Feel the burn!

Tina was so tickled with my concept diet "The Everest Diet" she posted it with diets she had also envisioned. At her encouragement, I would like to list a few other diets that I have thought of.

The Graduate School Diet

This diet is two fold. The stress of reports, projects and all nighters (not to mention the hair pulling, teeth grinding thesis work) will render you appetiteless. As though you had time to eat. And if you had the time or the will to eat, all your money is spent on tuition, parking fees, books and zip disks. You will be thin and fabulous as you wobble up to the podium to collect your degree!

Inspired by an MFA in Computer Graphics Design

The Intestinal Flu Diet

This one is pretty simple. Sure you are feverish and lucid. But you also can't even hold down Jello! It's hard to exercise when you are laid up in bed, but the shivering and heaving should burn off a few calories. You will be thin and fabulous as they roll you into the hospital!

Inspired by the Rochester Area Flu Season

The Snowboarders Diet

Snowboarding is great exercise for working off a few extra pounds. But the real payoff comes when you have executed a dozen or so face plants in a day. Your arms will be so sore, you can't bear to lift the fork to your mouth! You will be thin and fabulous as the chair lift wallops you in the back of the head.

Inspired by Tina, snowboarder extraordinaire!

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