Monday, February 19, 2001


Top 10 Best Things at Winterlude 2001
10. familiar yummy little shops and restaurants
9. Hot chocoate and cider - useful for thawing out
8. Long naps
7. Huge breakfasts at the B&B
6. Ice sculptures - amazing. I wouldn't want to stand on a ladder with a chainsaw to make one of these, myself
5. Tigger - the fat kitty that lives at the B&B that we have stayed at for the past 3 years
4 .Skating on the Rideau Canal - all 7 kilometers of it!

3. New Merrills - everyone in Utah had these, so of course I needed a pair for these winter conditions
2. my triple lutzes - HAH HAH! that's a joke.

1. Beaver tails - a delectable pastry coated with sugar and cinnamon. I had two.

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