Saturday, September 6, 2003

While in Toronto for the Film Festival we are staying at the new boutique Hotel Le Germaine. It's so nice! Everything is so well designed. Well, except for the clear glass between the shower and the bedroom. Thank goodness for blinds. I may be spoiled for Holiday Inns forever. Even with their towel amnesty day.

The first movie we saw started off promisingly. "I Love Your Work" had a lot of funny parts at the begining but quickly spiraled down to dark and de... press... ing. Two hours of my life I am not getting back. I thought it would be much lighter considering it was directed by Adam Goldberg. I was also very interested in the production blog, but it has been taken down. Last graphic above is a scene from the movie. It looks like Christina Ricci is reflected in the mirror, but I don't remember that in the movie. Freaky. More on the celebrities we spotted from Tina.

1 comment:

  1. Holiday Inn's are amazing. We have used them in the UK and USA and always had a great stay.

