Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Aaron and I have a tradition of getting his nieces gifts that will drive his brother crazy... a singing pooh bear, drum set, tamborine, ant farm, etc. (I know we will pay for this big time someday)

The most recent addition is a Cookie Monster Giggle Gabber. We think he will actually get a kick out him though... we even got one for ourselves. When you move Cookie up and down his mouth opens and he says stuff... "Hah! Hah-hah! Hah-hah! I... Love... Cookies!" If you wiggle fast he raps... "Cuh... cuh... cuh cuh cuh cookie!"

Great Christmas gift! Oh yeah, they have Elmo too, but I just don't like him as well... it seems to be a generational thing.


  1. My brother & I do that - he gave Cory a snare drum, guitar, tambourine, harmonica, triangle, & recorder. All on the same Christmas.

    On a totally unrelated note, you should see Charles & Chester. http://charles-dee.diaryland.com/index.html

  2. I love Cookie Monster. Believe it or not, I went through a Sesame Street kick in college. It was then that I bought myself Tickle Me Cookie Monster, Sing and Snore Ernie, and Tumblesault Ernie.

  3. I am anxiously awaiting my next visit to my grandmother's house (5 hours away) so I can rescue my late 70's Cookie Monster piano from the cabinet in her living room. It entertained me and when I outgrew it she took it so it could entertain 12 more grandchildren over the years. Now the youngest (twin boys) are approaching 3, and they have twin sisters on the way. I want to protect him and preserve him. My mom things I'm being silly, but I am serious!

  4. also check out the IZ - it comes in 3 colors, "dances", and works with iTunes (or other music as well)!

  5. Thank goodness this isn't the new "healthy diet" Cookie Monster!

  6. I totally embarrassed my son in the store over those last year. I love them! Then have Ernie & Elmo too! I want!

  7. That is awful! We have Elmo and unless it is upright on a stable table, the head is always flopping open, triggering the sound. My daughter has drums, a guitar, keyboard and other noise makers, but Elmo is the worst by far! Hopefully Cookie is more lovable.

  8. We've given our nephew nerf dart guns, moonshoes, those devices that 'shoot' puffs of air...it's much fun.

    Cookie Monster > Elmo. Geeez...Oscar's worm Slimey > Elmo. ;)

  9. My daughter loves her elmo one. I bought it 'cause i swear it says my daughter's name (but really it says something like yippee kiyay). She'll sit in her car seat or her high chair just mindlessly flipping the mouth open and closed..lol
    And yes, if you ever have children, we do remember who buys the noisest toy..lol

  10. oh dear, that's exactly what i got my niece for her 1st birthday this year ... I did think it would annoy the hell out of her parents but i did hear she loved it! :)

  11. The best part about being single and having friends with kids is the buying of loud, obnoxious gifts for the kids. I've done it for so long now that I think my friends would think something was wrong if I didn't give their kids something that giggled or honked or blared.

    Also, you said the magic word. Elmo. I *heart* Elmo. I may just buy one of these little guys for me. :D

  12. My friend and I play that game too! Last year it was with Lite Brites plus a refill pack. He was picking up lite brite pegs for months.
