Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Homemade Salsa

We have a bumper crop of tomatoes this summer. We planted several heirloom varieties, the most successful of which is our Syrian Giant tomatoes.

Look at this beast! It weighed one and a half pounds.

I found these larger sized freezer jars.

Perfect for batches of salsa! Now we can freeze some and have homemade salsa this winter! (I shared with my peeps too)


  1. The tomatoes from your garden are stunning!

  2. Homemade Salsa! Care to share the recipe?

  3. share recipe! and, does it really freeze well? I've never thought of freezing it...

  4. Two questions: Where do you buy your tomato plants, or do you have luck growing them from seed? and Where did you get the ball jars?

  5. wow. YUMM! I didnt have many tomatoes this year, i only put a couple plants in..when i lived in the country we had at least 40 plants and tons of tomatoes we canned...i miss those days!

  6. You are sooo talented little Jenny. I was trying to remember approx. when I first came across your blog. I think around 2002. I know Aaron and you were not married yet. You (and you too Aaron!) are amazing. I saw your youtube clip of you on the news about your new job. Gongrats! You have inspired me at times (actually almost everytime I read your blog!) I wanted to say thank you. You have inspired many ljc. I am proud of you! Be blessed.

  7. Amazingly beautiful isn't it? That grows from the dirt!!

    We didn't have too many 'maters this year. A mom deer and her baby thought our garden was their snack. Next year we'll put the deer fence back up-- AND I'll convince Colin to plant a few less things!

    Nice work!
