Monday, November 29, 2010

Angry Birds Addiction

I am hopelessly addicted to Angry Birds on the iPhone. Thanks to Aprille, I blew my way through the free version and am working my way through the paid version. I just downloaded the Halloween version even though it's almost December. I have gone on to infect Aaron, Tina and my mom with the Angry Bird flu also.

I love all the spin offs from Angry Birds - check out this Angry Birds cake, a very cool ornithological illustration of the Angry Birds and this video of the Angry Birds/Pigs peace treaty (warning - the birds drop the f-bomb).

One of the things I like best are the stuffed Angry Birds and pigs that you can buy. What a great holiday gift!


  1. Ooooh, I recently got hooked on Angry Birds. It's so addictive. Get the pigs!!

  2. I love Angry Birds too. I heard today that the Halloween app is going to be updated to a Christmas app very soon. They are also making games for XBox and Playstation (at least I believe it is those 2 game platforms, maybe it was 2 others). So you will have more options to feed your addiction soon. =)

  3. Can't wait for the Xmas version! Would be great if they did one for Wii!

  4. That was one of the first things I got addicted to with my iPad. Did you play the Halloween version?

  5. OMG I love those little plush birds & pigs so much! I'm so hooked on Angry Birds! Did you's coming to Wii! So fun!
