Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Dinner Party

This evening we had our Halloween dinner party. It's become big enough that we moved the dinner table into the living room.

Each place setting was marked with a poison bottle I made with chalkboard paint & glow-in-the-dark glitter.

Eyeball anyone?

The dinner was potluck and the food was so good! Even zombies have to eat.

Dinner by firelight.

It was nice to sit down and catch up over dinner.

Aaron and I were American Gothic Zombies.


  1. Your party looks amazing! I find it rather hard to believe people actually came without costumes on... Matt, I'm talking to you! (I can see him in the one photo.) Impressive decorations and I love your costumes too.

  2. Love the costumes and the party looks fabulous!

  3. super clever American Gothic costume idea!

  4. Meredith - Matt was dressed up! He was Idaho!
