Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Spotted at Wegmans... a Deviled Egg Kit.

Came with cooked egg white halves and a piping bag of yolk filler.



  1. I just saw that last weekend, too! Are devilled eggs becoming an 'it' food now? Gosh, I hope so...

  2. I just made a great adaptation called Deviled Eggs al la Sam with Avacado for filling. It's from Penzeys Spices, I'm not sure if the recipe is still online...but the magazine is offering a $6.50 Penzeys credit just for trying the recipe.

  3. jenny, i might be a litte afraid to try premade devilled eggs.

    but i do love me some devilled eggs, and it is a lengthy process to make them...hmmm.

  4. Really? I've always found them really easy to make. I mean, it takes a while for them to boil but other than that, they're really easy. I might be wary of trying them but I guess it's a good idea for someone in a hurry.

  5. I am famous for my inability to cook, yet even *I* make my deviled eggs from scratch.

  6. Deviled eggs are de rigeur definitely! Lots of people are starting to have retro 50s parties, and serving them. Personally I love the little suckers irregardless of the Donna Reed outfit. Are people really this lazy though? Or do they just want to get to the decorating with pimento halves part?

  7. 1. Manufactured deviled eggs: gross and icky, and why would you do that when making them from scratch is so easy?
    2. A restaurant down the street from me in Brooklyn features the 'Deviled Egg of the Day' appetizer. (Past delights have included sesame/wasabi, mexican, and black pepper.) I definitely think that 50's hostess thing is experiencing a resurgence.

  8. devilled eggs are a touchy subject around here eh?

  9. a compassionate consumerJuly 29, 2005 at 3:42 PM

    For more information about Wegmans Eggs, the new film "Wegmans Cruelty", and to learn how you can help, please visit:
