I'm all for naps
don't need studies
to prove
to me the benefits
of napping! Until the rest
of the world realizes this though, catching a few zzz's at the office still
seems taboo. There was a guy at work one floor up that leaned back in his chair and snored. This seemed especially funny at
the time as he was in charge of the Y2K plan. There was also a woman in my office
who would crawl under her desk, George Costanza style, and rest her head on her
chair for a nap... I - kid - you - not.
That is why we are sorely in need of MetroNaps! MetroNaps is a provider of professional nap centers. Go to a center and recharge with a refresh station and an ordered lunch or get a MetroNap Pod for your cubicle! "Nap passes or membership make great gifts for loved ones, colleagues, or your boss!" Brilliant!!!
We were just talking about this today! About how a 15 minute power nap makes us all feel better. They removed a couch in the break room at work because people were sneaking in for naps. I don't know about a Costanza style nap, but I think power naps would be great at work. I heard they're mandatory at some work places in Japan.
ReplyDeleteI agree, naps should be part of the work schedule. I always get so sleepy after lunchtime, but I can't sleep because I have classes. During my teaching practicum, I noticed some of the teachers would be napping on the couches in the staffroom when they had a prep block or their student teacher was teaching. I think students need nap time as well. Nap time should be part of the schedule, just like "silent reading." I remember always being tired during high school. We got nap time in preschool, why not in highschool?
ReplyDeleteI used to work for a large telecom in Ottawa there was a nurse office where you could go to take naps in one of their napping rooms. The nurse would come and wake you in 30 mins or ask if you would like to sleep a bit longer... I never braved it but sure was a good idea!
ReplyDeleteI have often said that if I ever own a company with staff, I will make sure a fifteen minute nap is part of my benefits package.
ReplyDeleteI used to work with a guy who after deadline would head downstairs to advertising and crawl under a desk and sleep. It was hilarious! He always seemed tired.
ReplyDeleteYay naps!
ReplyDeleteOH, I wanted to start that business! But on college campuses for naps between classes. I need a nap already today.
ReplyDeleteI definitely take a nap every now and then at work. (Shh!) Sometimes my little head just leans back on my chair and suddenly it's 20 minutes later...but I can only do that when I'm the only person who comes to work. Oh wait, that's every day.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant, indeed! I hope MetroNaps takes the world by storm!
I always used to feel so guilty about napping, but college broke me of that. I am now a firm believer that if I want to take a nap, and I've got the time to do it, then I should do it... especially if one of the cats can join me!
ReplyDeleteOH yeah.. I love naps. I think I feel guilty because the word "nap" reminds me of kindergarten and all things kiddy. I think we should rename it for grownups. And NO, adding the word "power" to it only makes it sound yuppy and not fun.
ReplyDeleteI took a 75% pay cut for a part time job...with afternoon naps in my own bed! It was worth it! But MetroNaps charges a lot of money for something so simple, don't you think? Carolyn J.
ReplyDeleteLooks a bit like you'd be sitting in Free Willy's mouth. I'm all for that!
ReplyDeleteI'm all for anything that brings together my 2 favorite pasttimes. Sleeping and whales. Only 'whales' isn't really a pasttime.
ReplyDeleteI could use one of those right about now.
ReplyDeleteMy crappy tech support job had one thing going for it...spacisous, comfortable nap rooms. At first I didn't use them much, only if I felt a migraine coming on and wanted a quick lie down. But when I became pregnant, ooh boy. I discovered they had special nap rooms - just for pregnant women! They kept us segregated from the non-pregnant women (men were in another room down the hall) so that we wouldn't catch their colds and whatnot, and we had a bathroom en suite. Oh but it was glorious. Every work day of that pregnancy I took a 45 minute nap during my lunch break, leaving 15 minutes for wolfing down some food. It made getting through the day infinitely more bearable.
ReplyDeletejenny! you're so ahead of the curve, the new york times has an article today on pods! http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/22/garden/22PODS.html?8hpib
ReplyDeleteYes, the power nap is key to afternoon productivity. Others around the world shut down in the afternoon just to partake in a rest and relaxation session. Some European companies provide massages to reduce stress. They (IMHO) seem to enjoy life more than we do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for discussing this topic. As always, your blog is one of the best on the 'net.
-la chica alta
I heard about that 6 months ago.
ReplyDeleteI am not in college, but I know people who are. In talking to them, they say that they would love a room to go to for a nap between classes. These people have very denanding jobs such as working with the disabled in group homes, beside their schooling. How would a citizan go about making such a room available on campus? I'm shy about going to a college faculty with my idea for fear of getting laughed at. Any one with any ideas can reach me at: