Thursday, December 15, 2005

Well, it was only a matter of time. I couldn't stand it anymore. I have been gazing at the Wilton cupcake stands for awhile now. A holiday party on Saturday provided the perfect excuse and with a 40% off coupon in hand I headed off to Joann's to acquire it.

It holds 24 cupcakes. I resisted getting the 38 cupcake model. I couldn't even wait for the cupcakes to cool to load it up... ow, ow.


  1. I'm hoping for one of these from Santa.

  2. By the way, LJC - thank you for posting your RSS feed so prominently, for the less-blogsavvy folk like me. You made my DAY.

  3. Wow, makes me feel like a cupcake just looking at it! What a wonderful centre-piece for a table...easter cupcakes, valentines cupcakes, st Patricks day cupcakes...mmm...


  4. Wow that is very Martha of you!

  5. since i see no where to post a congrats about winning the best blog design i'll say it here, WAY TO GO!!, i really love this site and am so glad i found it, gets my creative juices flowing although i still may live them through you (ha) i loved browsing through your photos, the color choices for your house reminded me of the show on tlc where they decorated across seas in the uk where they are less afraid of color, the food pictures only make me more starving though, yumm

  6. I've been looking at that for ages. Maybe someday I'll get one. I like how it looks like a tree.

  7. mootsarelli buttons - Well, they aren't announcing the winners until Monday... so I am just going to wait a few more days. It is very exciting though!

  8. yay! that is so neat. i must have one now.

  9. I have been coveting that for a while too. 40% off you say? :)
    Can't wait to see all the pretty cupcakes you come up with now :)

  10. so did you win the blog design contest? looks like you did. yahoo!

  11. i live with my in-laws and my MIL has one that she never used until I moved in. Now with two boys there's always cookies in the jar and cupcakes on the tree.

    CONGRATS ON THE WEBLOG AWARDS...YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT!! I found this site in Aug/Sept and your project page has helped me on at least 3 occassions. THANK YOU THANK YOU!

  12. I love my cupcake stand. Almost as much as I love those 40% coupons to JoAnn's.

  13. Now that's a great use for the 40% coupon!

  14. Aloha! Enjoy your blog and I HAD to use your link on my blog sidebar: Enjoy reading the blogs... Brilliant designs and you re very creatively!

  15. Oooh, I think I must have one of these. It's just too cute! And I never pass up a good reason to make cupcakes!

  16. Long time reader, first time commenter. Look in on you every day. Thanks for sharing such a wide variety of interesting entries. Sure hope you win the best blog award. Dawn
