Yup - here is another camping post. Can you tell I'm trying to hang onto last weekends camping trip as long as possible?
On another camping post Gab left me a comment telling me about Coleman's iPhone apps. I had to download them right away.
There is a camping meal planner, a "virtual" lantern and a collection of campfire stories. The Coleman Campsite also has cool stuff like desktop wallpapers.

I downloaded those too.
The more I looked at my camping pictures the more I realized we are huge Coleman fans. We have a lot of Coleman camping stuff!
We have Coleman lanterns, a dog bed, tent, dog sleeping bag, canoe and campstove! Clearly we love Coleman.
I poked around some more and found Coleman on Twitter and Facebook. They are also on YouTube with these funny videos explaining that the Coleman Campsite is probably the foundation to Social Networking!
I saw the commercials for the first time last week. I am iffy with camping but we always used our coleman stuff on the boat!