Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Early Christmas gifties & moldy donut story

It's not even Christmas yet and we are already getting a lot of gifties!

There was a surprise delivery to the house from my parents... they got us a deep freezer for Christmas! Time to stock up on frozen pizzas and ice cream. Stewie thinks it's just for him to sit on.

I love handmade gifts... Tina is on a finger knitting rampage and gave me this finger knit scarf.

Tina was beside herself with joy to give Aaron these Moldy Donut plates. There is a story behind this.


Back when Aaron was stationed on an aircraft carrier, he worked in the dark a lot. You know those guys that sit in front of a screen and watch the *boop boop* and track things? That was him. One day he got a pack of powdered mini-donuts out of the vending machine and proceed to eat them... in the dark. He though they tasted funny. Kinda... dusty. He stepped out into the hall and discovered they were completely covered in mold.

Bwah - hah - hah! Moldy donuts!

Now you know.

Aprille - Queen of Upcycling, gave me this upcycled t-shirt headband...

... and a jar of my holiday addiction... sugared cranberries.

Paulette. made me this beautiful stained glass candle holder. Speechless. I think she needs to join our table at craft fairs don't you?!


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