Monday, October 23, 2000

The Inner Pooh

I have taken a good many personality tests in my time. And with every test I encounter, inner turmoil inevitably ensues. As I complete each question I become increasingly critical of my answers. The way I see it, there are three different ways to answer. One: giving painfully honest responses that reflect who I really am. Two: answering to reflect the way I think people see me. Three: answering to reflect the way I would like people to see me.

So now there are the Poohsonality Tests. I thought I would like to be Piglet. I figured everyone had me pegged as Piglet. But as it turns out, I am Rabbit.

It was the first two tests that determined I was Rabbit. This should have come as no surprise. "Rabbit is a typical listmaker who likes things neat, orderly and under control..." That is sooo me.

The third did not have Rabbit as a choice and I came up as Piglet. I enjoy the thought of being Piglet, but of course I could not possibly be Piglet. Everyone knows who Piglet really is.

Piglet is my traveling companion. He is well traveled and has the photos to prove it. (Yes that is a tiny camera around his neck)

Piglet at Tower Bridge, London

Piglet with ye lady at Tower of London

Piglet is very excited to be going to Las Vegas in November.

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