Sunday, December 11, 2005

So there is a big stink in my comments for my Dec 8 post. A question as to whether there are actually that many people reading my blog that would vote for me or if I cheated somehow (which I have no clue how I would go about doing)...

"You really believe you recieved 600 votes in two days? How many people actually read your blog? Care to share some numbers? Somebody's cheating, it's either you (I really hope not) or one of your fans is overzealous... but in the interest of honesty and truth you should contact the poll organizers and note what's happening here."

Actually I am happy to share my stats, I get them from my server space provider... here is a screen shot of my December stats. I think they are rather good. About 2,500 visits a day.

So I guess I'm not that surprised. More like super flattered. Oh well, nothing like a little excitment.

(Oh I also checked the award site to see if I should have them check to see if there is some sort of cheating is going on and they already looked at it... there was actually some cheating going on for two other sites, not mine. So that's that.)


  1. stupid can people get? Did they ever realize that perhaps the reason you got all those votes was because people actually like your blog because it's amazingly fun, informative, and interesting? Honestly, some people just don't have any sense. Yes, I understand that there are people out there who would cheat, but come on! It's just a little contest...why in the world would you cheat? You may be competitive (lord knows that I know)but you don't cheat or ask people to cheat. If any one else gives you grief, just tell them your little sister will give them a piece of her mind....

  2. I check your site everyday...found it from Not my husband checks it too - he loves to keep up with Oscar and what's going on in the snow (we live in Texas, so we live vicariously thru ya'll in the North with snow for Christmas)...I like the arts and crafts aspect, enjoy the pics of the garden, home improvements, holiday decorations and parties - its like HGTV at Jenny' it doesn't surprise me that complete strangers are reading this site..I've had over 240,000 hits on my site in 18 months - mostly from strangers too, so I know what its like to have people come see you who don't know you...and I think its super...
    Rock On, Miss LJC...
    (don't have a blogger account, but sign me, 'donner' in Austin TX)

  3. Ditto on the "grrrrr!" factor!

    My name is Caroline, and I never comment, but I read your site daily! I found it once when searching for some craft project (long forgotten) and though I never have time to comment, I always check for new posts daily.

    I *also* happen to be a graphic design student and I am one of the folks who voted for your site.

    So! There! Don't let the turkeys get you down. ;)

  4. I also read your site everyday:) I'm not sure how I originally linked here a few years ago (2002?), but probably from Not Martha's site as well! When I first started reading, I had to go through all of your archives and look at the fabulous projects and home remodeling photos. I tend to lurk and rarely, if ever, post. But I'm not at all surprised at the numbers considering all of us (Jenny's readers) probably share the love of similar things. The negative post(s) from a few days back actually brought me out of lurkdom to vote for you. I appreciate all of the nominees' sites and have enjoyed looking at them...I might even add a few to my daily or weekly reads. But the design and content of your weblog brings me back day after day, and that's why I voted for you.
    Karen from Georgia

  5. I cannot believe someone would insinuate "cheating" regarding the awards...that is just...asinine. Worse than asinine. Jenny, CONGRATS on your nomination - your site has always been one of my favorites and I'm so happy to see its excellence recognized. You deserve it. As for the traffic stats, I can vouch for the time that Jenny linked to my blog in a post and I suddenly had about a bazillion visitors in one day. Lots of people love LJC and rightfully so. :)

  6. Zillions of folks know and love ljcfyi, but no one knew about the verkockte Weblog awards until we saw it here. The numbers don't surprise me at all!

  7. I've been reading your blog for forever and I, also, can't even remember how I came across it. But I don't think there are many blogs like yours out there. You share parts of your life (your wedding, for instance) with your readers and you find things that are cool and post recipes that I wouldn't even think to make. I am always happy to come here and see what ljc is up to. Cheating would be unnecessarily silly, for you OR your admirers.

  8. Screw them. I've been reading your blog since you asked some questions on getcrafty a number of years ago and I think your blog is great. And I couldn't even vote because for some reason it wouldn't show up for me. Like I said, screw them and keep in mind that some of your most faithful readers didn't even vote. Not like I didn't try..... :-)

  9. I read your blog daily...sometimes more than once!lol

    I think someon's jealous...hmmmmmmmm lol

    Your blog rocks the house baby!lol

  10. People are just jealous and need to get over themselves. You have a wonderful, creative site that entertains your readers every day. I am one of them. You are the one who resurected my creative juices with crafts and I just want to thank you for that. That is why I voted for you, too! =) I love reading about Oscar. So much that it got me going on my own doggie blog. Keep rockin' LJC!! =D

  11. Wow girl, you pulled ahead! I'm up against you in the same category and I thought I'd pop in and say hi. I'm enjoying your blog. Best of luck in the awards. You don't seem to need it though. :)

  12. i don't know about others, but part of the reason i love your blog so much is because you're ALWAYS so sweet and happy. you only post about positive things, and you never have anything bad to say about anyone. i think we're all pretty jealous of your skills. and people like bloggers with skills. good job, jenny.

  13. I check in every day and enjoy your blog.
    I'm just sayin'.

  14. I found your blog when it was on one of of Blogger's 'best blogs' list a few years ago and now i'm an addict ha ha!

    Clearly someone was bitter about your site's popularity. I think they need a candy cane.

  15. I'm all about your site. I too stumbled across your page and was hooked by the graphics and pics of Oscar. You're site rulz! You've inspired me to paint my whole house with bold creativity (it was that Tiffany blue/green that started it). I discovered Cottage Living mag (OMG don't you love the sweet tooth section); i also enjoy seeing your adventures to film festivals and the sort.
    Keep on rockin'!

  16. Who is the little booger that said you were cheating? I bet it was another nominee! How rude.

    It is very unkind to take something that should be a little *happy* and turn it ugly.

    You have so many votes because your site is SOOO great!

    2500/day - Dang, you get so many visitors! Way to go!

  17. Isn't it great to be called on something and have the stats available to prove you're right?

    Been reading your blog since you were the Blogger Blog of Note, or whatever that was. Two years ago? Three? I forget.

    Anyway, you've been a bookmark for years and way to go on that traffic!

  18. I'm sure I was like most the people here. I didn't even know you were nominated for an award until you posted about it. As soon as I read your post, I went and voted. That's all that happened. To the person that accused her of cheating: Get a life! And next time you go and accuse someone of something, make sure they f-ing actually did it. I think it's pretty stupid that you actually asked her to prove the amount of visitors she gets. Sorry, (ok, no I'm not sorry) but you're an ASSHOLE!
    ~Andrea from San Antonio, Tx (or do you want proof of THAT too?)

  19. I didn't know of the contest until I read it on your blog. That is how I knew how to get there and vote for you. Hhmff. Cheating...Bah Humbug

  20. I just cast my vote o' the day for you, Jenny - you & Joel were my inspiration to start my blog back in 2001 & you still keep me coming back daily! (The kids love it when you post about Oscar)

  21. Karen, Halifax Nova ScotiaDecember 11, 2005 at 7:37 PM

    Like many others- once you said you were nominated, we all went and voted. The site rocks. Period.

  22. I had no idea you were nominated until you posted. And I am happy you are nominated. You have a neat site. I check on it frequently throughout the day. It's a pick me up from my job. Always sharing your adventures and posting recipes or gatherings. It's a nice blog to visit and I am glad you are around in the bloggy world. So whoever commented about that there is cheating about comments is just making a big deal over nothing. So pooh.

  23. This is too funny. I haven't seen a good "fight" on this blog for a very long time:). Merry Christmas!

  24. I look at your site every day, and I passed it on to three other people. So it must be like that old shampoo commercial about telling two friends who also tell two friends...etc.

    I think those people are just jealous. I'd love to get those kind of stats, but I don't hate the folks who do. I'll just make me try harder.

  25. Your stats probably grossly under-estimate the number of people that read your blog. I read LJCFYi with an RSS reader and rarely, if ever, click through. But I do click your links and thoroughly enjoy your site.

  26. You just have many adoring (and honest) fans. :o)

  27. I too check your site everyday but don't always comment. Congratulations on your nomination, I hope you win Jenny!

  28. whoever made that comment should be ashamed of themselves. how can you cheat? i check your blog almost daily b/c i think your design is wonderful...i often wish i could imitate art. ;) but i checked out all the other blogs up for nomination...and i loved yours the best! tsk tsk....jealousy has reared it's ugly head. ;)

  29. I read your page daily and lots of times come in here more than once to look at your projects page or to get to Tina's page. I've been voting for you daily since the nominees were announced. Even if I tried, it lets us know that we've already voted in the last 24 hours.
    Aish, some people.

  30. LJC, whether it concerns food, crafts, interior decorating, or other domestic affairs, the daily mutterings of your creativity-packed life are an inspiration to us all!

  31. We love you Jenny! Your site is a daily check of mine. I am no expert at web design but I love the look of yours. It looks so organized! So keep up the good work and don't let others get you down. Merry Christmas!
    a long time lurker

  32. I totally went and voted for your site because I love reading it each day. I even have your site featured on my favorite links section of my own blog. So pha!, the malicious comment on your blog was from a jealous loser. Hold your head high! No cheating occurred, and no cheating was ever neccessary!

  33. Wow, some people sure are sceptical. I've been a reader of your site ever since it was featured on blogspot. Some of the things you post are just fascinating-- especially pictures of your garden.
    Anyway, I voted for you and I hope you'll win. :)

  34. Wow, some people sure are sceptical. I've been a reader of your site ever since it was featured on blogspot. Some of the things you post are just fascinating-- especially pictures of your garden.
    Anyway, I voted for you and I hope you'll win. :)

  35. I love your site and voted for you!

  36. I love your site and I voted for you!

  37. Like a previous commenter, I too read via RSS - there's 176 subscribers according to Bloglines, so add them to your daily hit list! Also, I LOVE your sour-grapes commenter; because design isn't XHTML or CSS. Those are tools. You could have the most beautifully coded site in the world and it may still look crap and be hard to navigate.

  38. hmph i believe someone deserves an apology?! where's fred now??? hopefully doing something more productive with his life than e-bashing people for no reason.
    -another daily reader that doesnt leave comments

  39. How mean spirited of them. I hope you do win, I have been reading your blog every few days for the last couple of years. I rarely leave comments, but I really enjoy your blog. I am glad that you posted about this- I did not interpret your post in any way as asking for votes. Had you not posted though I would not have even known about the awards!

  40. I have been a big fan of your blog for the past year and check it once a day (sometimes more!!) I agree that it did not seem like you were asking for votes. I didn't even know that there are Web Blogs awards-and if you never mentioned, I would have never known they existed. Thanks for the info and you deserve every vote!

  41. I read your blog every day too- Finnster loves to hear what Oscar is up to!

  42. Your site always leaves a smile on my face, so I check it almost daily. Oscar is adorable, and it's nice to see someone that cherishes their dog as much as I cherish mine. Your site is wonderful, so don't even concern yourself with the sour grapes!

  43. How highschool of someone...hmmm sounds like someone may have the little green monster hanging out on their shoulder...hehe
    Great blog and Im glad to know that you are not a cheater...either is oscar...nor Aaron...nor um your bunny...fantastic to know such reputable peeps on the net. Im still crackin up that someone left that comment, have a great day!!!

  44. As a professional designer in the Bay Area, I find your site design refreshing! The childish naivete of the graphics and dilletante approach are great! I love the tongue in cheek attitude, it's craptacular!

  45. Gawd. People can be such JERKS. I got a comment a while back accusing me of copying your wedding pages when I was married (and created my wedding pages) about 2 years before you did (not that I'm saying you copied mine ... they're similar, but still really different!!) ... of course it was from an ANONYMOUS commenter. It's always the cowards that are ready to send you to the execution block.

    Congrats to you ... I certainly went and voted for you!! Maybe it was *gasp* that you just made people aware of it. Sounds like sour grapes to me ... vinegar, possibly.

  46. BOO-YAH! You're just awesome and they're jealous because now everybody knows it! Keep up the great work!

  47. Hi! I am Anupma, all the way from India. I am a regular here. Never comment, but visit almost daily. It was the layout and design which first got me interested and then I started enjoing your photos and posts. What I like about your blog is its simlicity. You write about daily activities that may be we all go through but never give a second thought to. You make them special by taking pictures and making a small post about them. I like that. :)

  48. i know a few of your votes came from people linking from the 'runners up' site, basically because i do like your layout and i appreciate not seeing you beg at peoples feet to vote for you, ive seen some sink as low as to beg for votes while their mom was in the hospital, so congrats to a lovely buttkiss free site it really gets me into the xmas spirit

  49. I read everyday, but was on vacation since Dec 3. Normally you could have added 1 to each of the last week's numbers!

  50. I check your blog so often that I feel like I want to send you a Christmas card this year!

  51. ok, listen, it's the "buttkissing runner up" here. i posted the button and the "begging for votes" on my site basically because i find it fun to start a bit of a frenzy with the weblog awards... and i certainly hope that "anonymous" isn't implying that my mother is in the hospital... get your facts straight.

    as far as ljc's site, yes, i enjoy it, i am glad that she's a finalist otherwise, i really never would have known about her site... i find a healthy little competition is good... pardon me for having a little fun while involved with the awards. hey i've blogrolled jenny and plan on coming back to this site --- so, no sour grapes or poor sportsmanship. hey i was in the lead for a while, whatever... it was nice while it lasted. and i have the utmost respect for her design capabilities... no one on my site has trashed this site or the design. i think that a few were curious as to the amount of votes in a short period of time - granted, we both have our "loyal readers" who will have our back at any moment - and i try to squelch those who attempt to bash the other finalists in my comments... kudos to grabbing a good lead though... and perhaps this might nip some of your reader's bashing comments in the bud - or maybe not. good luck in the competition.

  52. Not only is your blog interesting, but frankly, your design really is the best compared to the other nominated. Even if I did vote AFTER your note about the contest, I did it because I really felt your design was the cutest, easiest to use and so on, and so on...

  53. You tell them Jenny!! You go girl!!

  54. Hi Jenny! I am totally not shocked that you have upwards of 2500 hits per day and have been nominated for best design. I love the clean, minimal, "less is more", design of your site! You get my vote any day!! :)

  55. This reader but non-commenter echoes the other comments. Lovely site. Good job.

  56. Another daily reader (via bloglines) who never has commented before checking in! I just voted for you too! Love you blog!!!

  57. Also de-lurking to say I have you bookmarked and read you daily, even though I have never before commented. I think you have one of the sweetest, most creative, fun and light-hearted sites around. I voted for you too!

  58. I'm new to the blog thing, but was recommended your site -- and I have been nothing short of impressed. Just be confident that no matter who is spreading the rumor that you encourage cheating is probably a little insecure about his/her own blogging ability in comparison to yours.

    Your pictures and your stories are great!

  59. i like it when the lurkers come out of the woodwork and finally comment... good job to the crazy person on jolting them into leaving evidence of their daily visits.

    i've been reading/commenting for a long long time, i found you via love your blog jenny. love the design, it's always been one of my favourites.

  60. hello. my name is rachel and i read your blog everyday, too! I started reading 2.5 years ago and then started my own blog based on your post format. i love your short posts with lots of photos! it is fun. keep up the good work! xoxox

  61. lurker coming out of woodwork....i check your site every day it...especially since i have a pug myself. keep up the good work and i'll keep checkin the site!!!

  62. I love your site. I come by about once every three days to catch up. It is such an easy and interesting read and I nearly always get a smile. Bravo!

  63. I'm a lurker, too. I adore your site!

  64. Crazy people. I *love* your blog. If I were making my own blog from scratch I would steal all your fab ideas. I'm a lurker who drops by regularly to see what you've been up to, and I'm forever emailing my husband saying 'look at this' about the things you post. Those cute Christmas scissors the other day for example... :D I live in the UK and we just don't see things like that!
    Plus your dog is gorgeous...
    I hope you win. I voted for you. No cheating.

  65. Sounds like sour grapes on someone else's part to me.

  66. I love your blog and I actually voted. and I voted for you. I never do things like that. Keep blogging and be merry!

  67. After all the fuss I just had to vote for you. Your site is just flat out adorable and I check it pretty much every day.

  68. is it just me or is this gettin a bit old...hehehe on with the events Mrs. Jenny ...

  69. I'm not a votertype or a blogger type but I'll vote just to show them who think bad things! I read your blog weekly or so because I am almost like you, just with less money and another pug. :)

  70. Yet another delurker...I am voting from home and work for your site, so hush to the naysayers.

    Love your site...Keep up the posting and good work. Looking forward to more Oscar in 2006!

  71. I second what Anupma said - You make everyday events special! I've visited ljc every day for a couple years now, always enjoy the design, the ideas, the links, the trips to wegmans! Thanks for an amazing blog Jenny!

  72. Your Site is Awesome, one of the best I have ever seen!!! I have been reading your blog daily for about 3 years and I can't wait to check it everyday. You are so talented and I wish I had half of your talent. You have received so many votes because you have a creative and fun site. It is always convenient when those who have something negative to say don't have the courage to post their name. If that person who posted that negative comment feels that negatively towards you then why couldn't they post their own name and stand behind what they posted? Anyways, enough of the negativity. All of your real fans know the truth, you are awesome and you ROCK. Thanks again for your site.

  73. Good luck! I am casting my vote now :) Monica

  74. You go, Jenny!

    How dare they assume that many people don't read your blog and would vote for you! You are the best. I've been reading your blog for almost 3 years and still check it daily. I love all your craftiness and have just fallen in love with Oscar...wish there were a few more posts about him. :o)


  75. Clare, Canterbury, EnglandDecember 13, 2005 at 1:28 PM

    Isn't it great testament to Jenny's skill and magic that I've read a dozen comments from people who, like me, have been reading and admiring the blog for a long time, but who have only come out of the woodwork to speak up and make sure she gets the credit she's due?

    I can't even remember how I found the blog, but it's on my favourites list and everytime a new recipe or craft idea is posted I get all excited. I've never been addicted to an unknown's blog before, and I do think the design has a lot to do with the charm.

    Thanks Jenny for all your ideas and inspiration.

  76. You totally deserve the award. I've been reading your blog for a while now and always enjoy it. When I read about the contest, I went there and viewed each and every one of the final sites. There were a lot of designs that I liked and will continue to read those sites. But the biggest difference I found was that your artwork is original and yours. Not everyone did that, and that lost a lot of points in my book.

    You definitely have my vote! Rock on!

  77. hey jenny! thank you for posting your numbers so this nonsense can come to an end. i've also been a faithful reader for about 2 years, and love to hear about your adventures!

    take care! all the best to you this Christmas! ~ alison, san jose,ca

  78. No comment from Frederick? Not big enough to eat your crow and apologize?

  79. this blog was one of the only ones with a definite christmas theme, yet i peeked in on that gigglechicks site and it seems in the midst of being up for this award she's gone and done over her site to include a christmas theme also, might i add there also seems to be a lot less advertising on it for the time being, i'll continue to vote faithfully for you jenny, nothing beats how smooth your site is to navigate not to mention what a gracious host you are, good luck !!

  80. Wow. That's pretty sad that someone said that to you. It just screams of someone being JEALOUS.

    Hey, you..bonehead who wanted to give someone else trouble -- If you're reading this, don't be so quick to say you're not jealous. You need stop a moment to figure out what made you accuse someone of something, when you had NO access to the facts beforehand. I feel bad that she felt she had to defend herself, to SOMEONE WHO MAKES ASSUMPTIONS AND ACCUSES IN A NEGATIVE WAY *BEFOREHAND*.

    That's sad. I hope you don't do that to people in your personal life. If you do, control yourself & be nice. It's the holiday season. Get some self-esteem, so that you don't feel the need to knock others down for YOUR OWN BENEFIT.

  81. Holy Cow. I just discovered your blog. I must be brain-dead or something... as far as bloggers go. I like your design and photos. I'm sure I'll be back (but quite obviously, it doesn't matter with those stats!).

  82. Giggle Chick's looks more "winter" than "Christmas" to me. Doesn't look anything like this blog.

  83. Just to join the club, your blog was the first non-friends blog I linked to when I started my own. Your cute template was the first template I ever used for style. When my blog finally grows out of its awkward teenage years, I hope it grows up to be like yours.

  84. I saw your site for the first time today. I was looking at all of the best blog design award nominees on account of I'd never seen any of them before. Yours was best looking, most friendly, and the only one that engaged my attention, so I voted for it, and now I'm back to look around a little more.

  85. Actually I am happy to share my stats, I get them from my server space provider... here is a screen shot of my December stats. I think they are rather good. About 2,500 visits a day.

    Doesn't mean a thing. You could have used Photoshop. I wouldn't be suprised if you did cheat!

  86. Yeah, and she could have gotten a bunch of monkeys to sit at computers and continuously vote too. To call Jenny a cheater is like calling Mother Teresa a slacker. Honestly.

  87. I've been reading your site for awhile but never posted before. I love your style, graphics, and of course Oscar!! You have such a quality site, deserving of an award!! Why would someone automatically think you are cheating?
