Wednesday, February 7, 2007

It has been bitter cold here in Rochester over the past few days. As a result, our animals have been even more snuggly than usual.

In order to be toasty they spend much of their time either sitting on us or pressed up against one another. I am sure they each consider the other one to be a furry hot water bottle.


  1. My doggie has the exact same down penguin blanket from Target! He's wrapped up in its warmth right now :)

  2. Aw! That should be on CuteOverload. :)

  3. awwwwwww! interspecies snuggling=adorable.

  4. I love the photos of your pets snuggling. Unfortunately my dog, Rocco, doesn't have a warm furry cat to keep him warm. But he would love it. My son and I drove past the turnoff for Rochester earlier this week in the storm and it was DARN cold up there.

    Shelley (Pink House)
