Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm in San Francisco for another conference. It's been rough though. I went from getting on the plane thinking "Hmmm, I feel off" to getting off the plane thinking "OMG, I'm gonna die." I managed to hold out until my session where I whispered my presentation into the microphone. It went well though and everyone was great. Even the hotel staff offered to send chicken soup up to my room. How nice.

Not even Jamba Juice with an immunity boost could help. Blah.


  1. Get well soon!

    The weather is finally starting to look up and it would be a shame to miss any of it! :)

  2. Awww...sorry you're sick...maybe you need a cupcake? But SF! YAY! Hello from across town :)

  3. awwwww...feel better jenny! the cough syrup will not help you!

  4. Take care and hope you get better soon!

  5. Just getting caught up on the last few days' worth of posts and saw your new title at work! Congratulations, Chief Blogger! That is completely awesome.

  6. Aww. Hope you feel better soon. You've been on the go, go go.


  7. boo! it sooks to be sick, but even more so if you're traveling. hope you're feeling better soon...hopefully you can enjoy sf a bit!

  8. Hope you feel better soon. I have been really sick all week and found out that it is the flu from my boyfriend who has it too and went to the doctor.

  9. Get well soon, nothing worse then flying sick. I had a 12 hour flight once and was sick as a dog. Not fun.

  10. welcome back to the city by the bay! hope you feel better soon!

  11. Blech! Get well soon! Oh yes, I think a cupcake is the best healing food you can get. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  12. Long time lurker...
    This will make you feel better:

    Taken from: http://www.designspongeonline.com/
    scroll down for the pyrex entry!

  13. oh no! How terrible to be in San Francisco and not be well enough to enjoy it! I hope you're feeling better now.
